WHEN it comes to making financial decisions, we are always advised to purchase property, deemed as a smart move but for some, it may not work out as expected.

One woman expressed her regret buying a house in Puncak Alam six years ago, which left a huge chip on her and her husband’s shoulders having to pay RM700 in monthly loan repayments despite her rent being RM1,000 per month.

The total loan for the townhouse is RM1,700 per month, according to Arina Mustafar on Threads.

The move to rent out the townhouse led to more financial headaches, losing RM50,400 on a house she did not want to live in anymore. Fed up with the situation at hand, she and her husband decided to sell off the house.

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“I am sick and tired of having to pay off the house every month. I want to sell it but I do not know how to do so.

“It has been six years since I owned the house. Everyday, I wondered what can I learn from this

“Imagine, that RM1,700 could have been savings,” she said in Threads post, adding that another reason she moved out of the house is because she did not like staying there.

While netizens resonated with Athirah’s post, many have advised her to raise the rent to offset the loan repayments so she and her spouse would not feel the pinch.

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One user suggested two options which are to cut her losses by selling the house or do a “pairing strategy” if she plans to keep the property under her name.

Meanwhile, others advised her to hold off selling the house for a while and wait for its value to increase.

After her first post, Athirah updated on Threads that she plans to sell off the property.

In another update on the townhouse situation, things have been looking up for Athirah and her husband after her initial post went viral, saying she and her spouse gained some knowledge and connections regarding real estate matters and managed to secure a potential buyer for the townhouse.