Jalin Realty, Beike to offer free 3D VR hosting service to property players

KUALA LUMPUR: International real estate company Jalin Realty Sdn Bhd is providing free three dimensional (3D) virtual property virtual reality (VR) hosting service to property developers, owners and agents to improve Malaysia’s digital property insights and services of assets while bringing analytics to new heights.

CEO Ian Chen said with the support of Beike Realsee Technology, an internet-based company from China that provides comprehensive and housing services, it could transform physical building to online 3D virtual reality with 360-degree view.

“By transforming physical buildings into data, it will also enable us to utilise and increase the value of the properties by unlocking the unattainable industry-wide trends and insights,“ he said in a virtual press conference after the virtual MoU between the parties recently.

The hosting service, which is valued at up to RM5 million for a period of six months, is eligible for all Malaysian developers who support the Home Ownership Campaign, Malaysian property owners who plan to sell or rent their property and agents who have existing property listings.

“The innovative technology has already proven its effectiveness, as Beike (a New York Stock Exchange listed company) is currently China’s leading property platform for housing transaction and services.

Chen said the service for the free capturing of property tour is currently offered within the Klang Valley areas, whereas for those outside the area, they could download the free hosting app and use their smartphones or 3D camera to capture the properties by themselves.

Meanwhile, Beike group vice-president and CEO of Beike Realsee Technology Hui Xin Chen said its technology would also assist in reducing home viewing cost, improve productivity, time management and enhance the overall home search experience. – Bernama