Environment Impact Assesment not carried out at Bukit Kukus construction site

GEORGE TOWN: An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was not carried out at the Bukit Kukus construction site in Paya Terubong, the Penang State Assembly was told today.

State Local Government and Housing chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo (pix) (DAP-Datuk Keramat) said there was no requirement for such a study to be carried out.

He however said that an environmental management plan (EMP) and erosion and sedimentation control plan (ESCP) was also carried out.

Jagdeep was responding to a question by Opposition leader Mohd Yusoff Mohd Noor (BN-Sungai Dua).

He said that a special committee has been formed to investigate the incident to find out if the contractor had adhered to regulations.

The committee is chaired by Deputy Chief Minister 1 Datuk Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman with members comprising Executive Councillor for Public Works, Utilities and Flood Mitigation, Zairil Johari, an engineer from the State Secretary office, and a representative of the state Institute of Engineers Malaysia,

Questioned further by Mohd Yusoff on whether the state would stop all hillside development, Jagdeep said it had already prohibited development above 76m.

On Oct 19, a landslide at Bukit Kukus resulted in the death of nine foreign workers.

The project was to build a bypass linking Relau and Bandar Baru Air Itam passing through Bukit Kukus.