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PETALING JAYA: The ongoing floods in Kelantan forced 37 teachers to travel using a five-tonne lorry to collect SPM speaking test question papers from SMK Tumpat.

Wakaf Bharu Fire and Rescue station chief Nazah Nafi said three station personnel assisted the teachers in their mission, Sinar Harian reported.

“The teachers gathered at the Pejabat Perpaduan Tumpat before we transported them to the locations,“ he was quoted as saying.

The operation began at 7am, with heavy vehicles necessary due to impassable roads, with the question papers being delivered to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Geting and Sekolah Menengah Ugama Maheliah Pengkalan Kubor.

Nazah said while flooding in the Wakaf Bharu area has started to recede, conditions remain challenging.

The flood situation in Tumpat continues to worsen as the number of evacuees increased to 18,791 as of 7.30am, up from 17,713 reported on Sunday.


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