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GEORGE TOWN: A fisherman was charged in the Magistrate’s Court, here, today, with the murder of a Pakistani man on Oct 21.

However, no plea was recorded when the charges were read against the accused, Kiong Chan Kyam, 38, before Magistrate Mohamad Azlan Basri as murder cases are under the jurisdiction of the High Court.

The accused admitted that he understood the charges read against him.

According to the charge sheet, Kiong is accused of killing Rashid Mahmood, at Jalan Burma, on Oct 21 at about 4 pm.

The charge is framed under Section 302 of the Penal Code, which provides for the death penalty, or if not sentenced to death, imprisonment for up to 40 years, with at least 12 strokes of the cane, upon conviction.

Deputy public prosecutor Syairah Aqilah Khalil appeared for the prosecution, while the accused was unrepresented.

The court set Jan 21 for re-mention.