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KUALA LUMPUR: The National Cloud Computing Policy is expected to be finalised by the end of this year, according to the Ministry of Digital.

In addition, the ministry said the National Digital Department is revising the cloud framework agreement, which is part of the ministry’s ongoing efforts to improve policies related to cloud computing.

“The establishment of new data centres and cloud services can support and drive the digitalisation of government services and further improve the efficiency of government service delivery,” said the ministry in a written response published on the Parliament website yesterday.

The ministry was replying to a question posed by Ahmad Fakhruddin Fakhrurazi (PN-Kuala Kedah) about its plans to develop Malaysia’s downstream economy after receiving high investment in the digital sector, especially in the development of data centres.

According to the ministry, Malaysia’s fast-growing data centre industry supports the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) by providing the basic infrastructure for AI.

It said that until August 2024, more than five AI-ready hyperscalers have been developed across the country.

“The availability of AI-ready basic infrastructure will attract more high-value investments from global technology companies into the country,” it said.

The Ministry of Digital has also identified 200 potential local companies as AI technology service providers in line with the government’s efforts to make Malaysia a generative AI hub under the New Industrial Master Plan 2030.