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Most popular language being learned globally, including in Malaysia

What language do you think Malaysians want to learn the most?

In Kuala Lumpur, the language that people want to learn the most is English (29.43%), followed by Korean (16.22%), according to a recent report by language experts at WordTips.

For those wondering why Bahasa Malaysia did not rank first for Malaysia, WordTips’s research methodology filtered out users who did not list the country’s native language as one of their spoken languages to focus the analysis on foreign languages being learned by locals.

A look at WordTips’ data for the Southeast Asian region shows a similar pattern. English is also the most popular language sought after by language-learners in the cities of Manila (26.93%), Jakarta (53.42%), Bangkok (73.82%) and Hanoi (82.39%).

Singaporeans are most interested to learn Japanese (27.86%), followed by English (23.69%).

Across the world, English remains the most popular language being learned in 52 global capital cities, more than any other language. French and German are among the second-most popular languages to learn worldwide. Gen Z and Millennials love learning Japanese and Korean, while Generation X and Baby Boomers prefer studying Italian.

In order to find out the most in-demand languages across the world, the WordTips team counted the languages being learned by more than 300,000 users on the language learning platform called Conversation Exchange in the world’s capital cities.

The benefits of learning another language are too numerous to count, from making vacations a smoother experience to boosting your brain power.

There is a world of languages out there to choose from — over 7,000, in fact.