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The Experts blends thrilling action, familial bonds and comedy in local audience-friendly storyline

FOLLOWING the success of the recent local action film Sherif: Narko Integriti, which has garnered RM60.5 million after a month of nationwide screenings, another local film is poised to achieve a similar milestone.

Titled The Experts, this highly anticipated heist action film of the year revolves around a daring theft involving a jewelled ring, which stars Datuk Aaron Aziz, Syafiq Kyle, Mimi Lana, Remy Ishak and Ray Dapdap as five siblings plotting their biggest heist.

Produced by leading film studio Astro Shaw in collaboration with Zak Capital and BlackFlag, the film is directed by Andre Chiew, the genius behind Polis Evo 2, along with Nazim Shah, the director of J2, and Polis Evo writer Joel Soh.

The Experts presents a unique, fictional story that breaks away from stereotypes while showcasing high-quality production standards. Despite being released amid the hype of other popular movies, it manages to stand out. Many people might find themselves questioning which film to watch, but this one offers a fresh narrative and production quality that is sure to captivate and make it a worthwhile trip to the cineplex.

$!Through its storyline, performances and production, The Experts gives the Malaysian film industry a massive boost with its slick production values.

Intriguing storyline

The plot of this film is truly engaging, focusing on a family of five siblings who, after 10 years of peace, are thrust back into their dangerous past when a notorious gangster forces them into a high-stakes heist. Old grudges flare up and a shocking family tragedy comes to light.

As their criminal past catches up with them, their loyalties are tested and their survival is at stake. They must outwit their ruthless adversary and protect their family, or risk being torn apart by this desperate job.

This 121-minute film features the first-time on-screen pairing of these actors as siblings with distinct skills on a mission. Their performances make them believable as family members. Aaron shines as the charismatic eldest brother. Mimi and Syafiq display a bond that would be readily apparent to the audience. Remy Ishak and Ray Dapdap add a lighter, comedic element to their roles, contributing to the group’s dynamic and enhancing the sense of familial unity.

The storyline unfolds at a gradual pace, leading to an unexpected plot twist at the end. This type of narrative, which has become quite popular in recent years, is one that audiences enjoy. The film effectively balances elements of surprise with light-hearted humour and suspense, making it a well-rounded and engaging experience. It is the perfect blend of twists, laughs, and tension, keeping viewers entertained throughout.

$!Syafiq delivers an outstanding performance.

Familiar vibes

Although the genre is relatively unique in the local film industry, with One Cent Thief starting the phenomenon, this movie shares similarities with international hits like Army of Thieves and Mission Impossible.

Many of the intricate scenes and thrilling sequences were masterfully executed by Syafiq, who delivered a standout performance. Despite the influence of international films, Syafiq’s portrayal brought a fresh and compelling dimension to the role, showcasing his exceptional talent.

The Experts often evokes the style of a Guy Ritchie film, with humour and comedy keeping the movie lively and preventing it from drifting into cliché storylines. It is truly enjoyable to see the end result of this film, which impressively only took 45 days to shoot.

$!Tony (left) adds his celluloid charm as one of the antagonists in the film.

Great cast and production

Aside from the stars playing the sibling heist team, the film also features other notable local actors such as Maya Karin, Douglas Lim, Tony Eusoff, Hasnul Rahmat, Wan Hanafi Su, Jay Iswazir and Michael Ang. This impressive ensemble cast, with familiar and beloved faces, adds to the film’s appeal and generates excitement among the audience.

Other key highlights in the movie include Remy’s portrayal as a master of disguise, delivering various personas and even tango-ing with Maya Karin. Jay Iswazir’s compelling antagonist role, Ray’s surprising performance, and Mimi’s cunning elegance also add diverse nuances to the film’s mood.

Meanwhile, on the production side, the directors and production team have delivered exceptional results through their cinematography, visual aesthetics and musical scoring.

Overall, The Experts is a good movie to watch as the plot is highly engaging and the entire affair is lit up with star performances.

It surely has the potential to lead to a sequel if it receives positive feedback from local audiences and marks a significant step forward for the local film industry.

The Experts is now screening in 172 cinemas across Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.

Cast: Dato Aaron Aziz. Syafiq Kyle, Mimi Lana, Maya Karin, Remy Ishak, Ray Dap Dap and Tony Eusoff

Director: Andre Chiew and Nazim Shah

E-Value: 7/10

Plot: 8/10

Acting: 7/10