WHEN looking for a job, especially first timers, first impressions always matter and it is advisable to not ask for too much since the lack of working experience could never justify paying a high salary.

An employer recently encountered a young applicant inquiring about a job in his company, only to have the interview turn awry.

Leo Lum posted the interaction on Facebook, showing a screenshot of the interaction between him and a 19-year-old looking for work experience.

Leo asked the young individual if they had any experience in visual editing or photography to which the applicant replied if “filming TikTok videos count as experience.”

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The applicant then went on to explain the kinds of videos that are posted on TikTok by explaining his expertise, which they claimed were “ slow motion, technical demonstrations, and creating quotes.”

When Leo asked for the young applicant’s proof of their work, they switched the topic and asked about salary.

Leo then replied to the company pays between RM2,000 to RM5,000, disclosing that the amount will be based on the applicant’s experience.

Without any hesitation, the applicant unabashedly asked for the highest salary offered for the position, which is RM5,000.

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Netizens were mainly amused and jokingly remarked that it is no surprise that the applicant chose the higher end of the salary range.

What would you do if you were in Leo’s position? Let us know in the comments.