After getting rid of Umno, Haris turns to getting rid of fires

FORMER lawyer Haris Ibrahim (pix) is well-known for starting the Anything But Umno (ABU) movement, which he funded by selling off his law library and farm in Pahang.

After his goal to get rid of Umno from Putrajaya materialised in the May 9, 2018 14th General Election (GE14), Haris has turned his focus towards selling equipment to put out fires.

“Every year, 6,000 buildings in the country are destroyed by fire. Of these, 2,400 are homes. On average, seven families are rendered homeless a day,” Harries said to Free Malaysia Today (FMT).

His company, Flamoff, produces fire extinguishers and fire retardant materials to help Malaysians in residential and commercial buildings to prevent and fight fires.

His interest in this industry, was sparked by the Grenfell Tower incident in London which saw 72 people killed in a 24-storey flat, said the report on FMT.

For him, Flamoff is not just a means of creating personal income, but a way to serve his community, just like he did before.

Harris said his political fight is far from over, and his focus for GE15 is to hold MPs accountable for their actions, and getting rid of the incompetent ones.