“WE’VE grown apart”. If you were one of the few people who have not had the privilege of hearing that sentence from a partner, consider yourself lucky.

In fact when it comes to long term relationship, couples have a tendency to grow apart as one party would often seek out something more.

Recently, an anonymous Malaysian man took to Facebook page Xuan Play to share his troubled feelings in regards to his eight-year relationship.

The man first shares that he is approaching his 30s and is financially independent, runs a small business and has secured a house and car. However, his girlfriend of eight years who has been with him when he had absolutely nothing remained limited by her salary.

“Although she’s four years younger than me, her spending is five to six times more than mine.

“It’s not just about consumption; our thoughts and views on spending have become increasingly different, making communication difficult at times,” ranted the man.

ALSO READ: Man with RM10k salary laments about unhappy girlfriend despite giving her RM1k a month

He added that he would share his work-related worries with his girlfriend but unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to fathom his troubles and this has resulted in an issue between them.

“Her personality has always been great— she’s kind, and she spoils me. But as my business grows, I’m starting to feel like she’s not good enough anymore.

“I’m wondering if this is really the kind of love I want.”

However over the past eight years, he expressed that he felt like he has surpassed her and is unable to find anything in her that he loves anymore, aside from the kindness that she displays towards him.

He then goes on to say that his girlfriend is actually person but due to his strong ambition, they wouldn’t have such gaps and differences.

He ends his confession saying that ending an eight-year relationship is difficult but he fears for their gap will continue to widen.

“What should I do? I’m really troubled,” questioned the man.

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