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A delivery rider cancelled his order for the sake of helping out an elderly man who was experiencing a heart attack.

The incident is said to have taken place in Klang.

In a TikTok video by @firdausaswancarsproperty, the elderly man clad in a red collared shirt was seen seated with the rider accompanying him.

The elderly man was said to have difficulty breathing during the incident.

In the video, the rider informed the elderly man that he called an ambulance and assured him it was on the way.

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He added that it was raining heavily at that time which could affect the time the ambulance took to arrive.

In another TikTok post, the ambulance managed to arrive at around 12am, according to the rider who recorded the video.

“Cancel the order. Help others first.

“We do not look at race when we help others. The most important thing is we help those in need no matter what,” he said in the video.

ALSO READ: Delivery rider wakes driver up from deep slumber at traffic light in Selayang

Netizens commended the thoughtful and selfless act of the rider who put aside his job to help a person in a dire situation.

Others also related similar experiences where they received help from a delivery rider when they were in a tight spot.