A recent Facebook post on Xuan Play has highlighted the struggles of a Malaysian woman who is bearing the financial burden of her relationship because her partner has been unemployed for an extended period.

In her anonymous post, the woman, who has been in a two-year relationship and lives with her boyfriend, revealed that she has been solely responsible for their financial obligations over the past year.

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This includes paying for rent, utilities, food, travel, and fuel.

“I’m starting to feel a lot of pressure, and I can barely save any money each month; my savings are gradually dwindling,” she shared.

“I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for two years, and now we’re living together. He hasn’t worked for a whole year, so I’ve been covering almost all the expenses—rent, utilities, food, travel costs, gas, and more,” she shared.

“I’m starting to feel a lot of pressure, and I can barely save any money each month. My previous savings are also gradually dwindling.

“To manage our living expenses, I try to take on part-time jobs during my spare time to make ends meet. However, he seems to be doing nothing,” she wrote.

“When I encourage him to look for a job, he brushes it off, saying finding work is easy, but now just isn’t the right time for some reason. While I work tirelessly, he appears to be “enjoying” it all.

“Every time I come home exhausted after work, I feel it’s incredibly unfair. But if I break up with him, he’d have nothing, and I can’t bear to abandon him at this point. I really don’t know what to do.”

Her emotional and financial burden has left her uncertain about the future, struggling to find a resolution to her predicament.

Netizens were quick to share their thoughts with her.

“If he were ambitious and putting in effort, it would be different. What’s most troubling is his laziness and his sense of entitlement to your efforts,” one user called Alicia Wong commented.

She further highlighted in her comment: “If you want to continue, I suggest having a serious conversation about where the problem lies and how he might help. Make sure he understands the extent of the expenses you’re shouldering and discuss how you can work together to solve the issue.”

Lee KT wrote jokingly: “Good people are destined to suffer; maybe it’s better to be a bad person.”