A tragic incident unfolded in Aceh, Indonesia, where a 68-year-old man was brutally attacked by a crocodile while bathing in a river, leaving his upper body missing.
The victim, Yunus, had told his wife, Dimyam, that he was heading for a bath at the river behind their home. When hours passed without Yunus returning, his family grew worried and initially believed he had drowned.
ALSO READ: Perhilitan captures crocodile spotted at Shah Alam Lake
Dimyam went to the river to search for him, only to find his clothes and belongings abandoned on the grass, Indonesian news outlet BITHE.co reported.
Fearing the worst, she immediately informed her son and called the authorities, according to a statement from Ranto Peureulak police chief, Iptu Andi Ananta Grilya Utama.
Rescue teams and volunteers soon began searching for Yunus.
His remains were discovered about a mile downstream from where he had left his belongings—tragically, only the lower half of his body was found.
His upper body, including his head and arms, remains missing, believed to have been taken by the crocodile.
Yunus’ remains were retrieved and brought home for burial, but the search continues for the missing parts of his body. The incident has left the local community in shock, with villagers now fearful of the crocodile’s presence.
In a separate case, the Selangor Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan) caught a 1.68-metre (m)-long saltwater crocodile weighing about 15-20 kilogrammes (kg) crocodile at the Section 7 lake, less than 24 hours after setting trap.