Johorean drives to KL florist to make RM20k Valentine’s Day bouquet for his girlfriend

IT’S that time again where flowers, dinner, greeting cards and souvenirs get more expensive ... Valentine’s day. In fact, during this season, one stalk of rose can cost up to RM10.

So what one Johorean did was to actually hack the system and give money to his girlfriend instead. And I know what you’re thinking, “Wah, that guy crazy ah, he thinks Valentine’s Day is like Chinese New Year can give ang pao.”

Well he made his V-day ang pao look like a bouquet. The florist, whose name is Zheng Aini said that she’s received such requests before, but this is the first time someone wanted a RM20,000 bouquet.

It wasn’t an easy talk to complete, Zheng made a total of 99 artificial roses using Ringgits, with each rose having two RM100 notes (as petals) and a RM10 note as a rosebud.

The task took about 3 days to complete, and it’s estimated to be as large as a car tire.

We can also confirm you’re not alone if you’re thinking ... ”This fella must have done something wrong, to buy a gift like that”.