RECENTLY, a delivery rider got his motorbike impounded since his insurance and road tax had expired months earlier. The man then went viral when he walked by the roadside to keep up with his deliveries after that.
Fortunately for him, an influencer named AisarKhaledd decided to buy him a new motorbike shortly after that.
Many people have voiced out at the Road Transport Department (JPJ) for not being empathetic and giving the delivery rider a second opportunity by allowing him to keep his motorcycle on the condition that he renews his road tax and insurance by a specific date.
Due to this, JPJ responded with their reason for why they couldn’t be lenient, which is because the man’s insurance and road tax had already expired for 7 months.
JPJ replied to the commenter on the post saying, “If it had been a month or two, InsyaAllah, we could have given it some thought. But, brother, this is seven months.” What cartoon character would you create if there was an accident within the next seven months to emphasise the value of having insurance and paying your road taxes?”
Given this response, many online users started to estimate how many more people may later want the same tolerance if they were to be understanding of the delivery rider and realise that JPJ was only doing their job.