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CHARITABLE acts are commendable, but at times, those in need do not tend receive such acts in an expected manner.

A young man’s attempt to help a homeless woman only resulted in a dead end after she reacted negatively to him offering a free meal to her.

In a TikTok video, @4p3k_ approached the woman seated on what seemed to be a sidewalk, asking her if she ate anything only to be loudly rejected.

The video showed the woman yelling while waving him away roughly, leaving him dumbfounded.

“(I) wanted to give (her) some Arab rice but I got scolded instead,” the man said, adding that she probably just wanted money.

He captioned the video saying the ‘nasi Arab’ he bought to give her costs RM40 and thought she probably assumed he was just giving her ‘nasi bujang’, which is a simple dish consisting of only rice, plain soup, cucumbers and ‘sambal belacan’.

ALSO READ: Local woman tearful after being called “stupid”, stingy after donating RM1 to beggar

The young man replied to a few comments calling him out for recording the homeless woman to which he claimed it was for protection purposes as he previously dealt with “extreme” situations regarding homeless people.

Netizens were split on the incident, advising the young man to not record her while others shared similar experiences trying to help the homeless.

“The homeless person dumped the food I gave (them) on the ground in public. I felt insulted at the time,” a netizen said.

“It is normal for them to do that. Many of them do not want food, they only want money.

“Thank goodness she only said no.

“There are others who take the food and just throw it away,” one user remarked.