Netflix receives petition to cancel Amazon Prime’s Good Omens

YOU know you’ve made it big when the blame falls on someone else.

A Christian group called the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property started a campaign named Return to Order with a petition to cancel the streaming show Good Omens.

Among their reasons, the group condemned the show for having God be voiced by a woman (Frances McDormand), devils and Satanists are portrayed as good, an angel and a demon are close friends and the show is portrays Satanists as normal and acceptable.

The petition managed to get 20,000 signatures as of this writing. However, there is one small problem that went over their heads.

Good Omens is available on Amazon Prime. The Christian group directed the petition to rival service Netflix!

The six-part mini series on Amazon Prime follows the story of angel Aziraphale (MIchael Sheen) and demon Crowley (David Tennant) as they try to look for the misplaced Antichrist and save the world they’ve fallen in love with.

Neil Gaiman, who co-wrote the book of the same title with author Terry Pratchett was amused with the wrongly addressed petition.

In a tweet, Gaiman wrote “I Love that they are going to write to Netflix to try and get #GoodOmens cancelled. Says it all really.”

Even Amazon Prime joined in the roasting by tweeting to Netflix: “Hey @netflix, we’ll cancel Stranger Things if you cancel Good Omens.”

The petition has since been amended and addressed to the correct streaming service.

Meanwhile, Aziraphale and Crowley must be wondering which of them pulled off this marvelous prank!