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It’s a rule that has been repeated time and again—vehicles with international registration plates are strictly prohibited from refueling with Malaysia’s subsidised RON95 petrol.

Yet, despite countless warnings, some drivers continue to flout the law.

The latest incident involves a woman caught refueling her Singapore-registered Kia with RON95 at a petrol station in Johor Bahru.

In a nine-second video uploaded to TikTok by @shahrahim, the woman is seen at the pump with her Singaporean plate car. As the petrol station attendant reaches out to take the pump from her, she appears visibly shocked upon realizing she’s being filmed.

@shahrahim captioned his video, “No wonder you parked at the last petrol pump.”

ALSO READ: Man caught refuelling his SG-registered car with RON95

He shared that the incident took place at a petrol station in Taman Pelangi, Johor Bahru.

The video has since amassed nearly one million views and brought on more than 2,000 comments from infuriated Malaysian netizens.

“That’s why every petrol station needs to have someone monitoring or guarding the pumps.

“If you’re looking from the counter, the number plate will definitely be obscured,” commented @iman.

“Thank you, bro for representing Malaysians!” praised Aswad Azmi.

A few advised that if Malaysian netizens were to encounter a similar incident, they can press the red ‘emergency’ button at Petronas petrol stations to report foreign vehicles with non-Malaysian license plates misusing subsidized RON95 fuel.

By pressing the button, the fuel pump automatically shuts off, allowing you to notify the staff about the situation.


Malaysian caught refueling Singapore registered car using RN95 petrol

M’sian man confronts couple for pumping RON95 petrol into their Singapore-registered car