Learn art of impromptu speaking with these tips

HAVE you ever been caught off guard by an unexpected question from your boss that left you at a loss for words? How can you respond effectively to unforeseen questions under pressure? This is where the skill of impromptu speaking becomes invaluable.

Impromptu speaking is the ability to express thoughts or opinions on an unknown topic without prior preparation. It is fun mental training. Impromptu speaking not only enhances your ability to think on your feet but also improves listening skills and helps build connections in professional settings.

Beyond honing your listening abilities, speaking effectively under pressure can help build your reputation and impress leaders within your organisation. This skill is particularly beneficial in delivering elevator pitches, question-and-answer sessions, or making important connections in networking events.

How do we approach an unknown topic confidently? Here are three effective structures to guide your thoughts before responding:

1. Causeeffectremedy

Ideal for addressing problem-solving questions. For example, if a manager asks why the office pantry’s rubbish bin is always overflowing, one could answer by first stating the cause, such as no waste segregation, followed by describing the effect on cleanliness and odour, and suggest solutions such as introducing recycling bins and proper disposal of food waste.

2. Pastpresentfuture

Useful when discussing personal experiences. During a job interview, for instance, one could talk about past roles, connect those experiences to the current job, and conclude with aspirations for the future in the new position.

3. Opinionreasonexampleopinion

Most suitable when the topic requires one’s opinions. Imagine an audience member asks a plastic surgeon’s view on getting botox treatment at a young age. The surgeon could start with his stance, provide scientific reasons and real case examples to support it, and conclude by reinforcing his opinion.

While understanding these techniques is a great first step, practice is key to mastering impromptu speaking. Practice is either in front of a mirror or, better yet, join a local Toastmasters club.

At Toastmasters meetings, Table Topics session, which is a long-standing tradition, provides members with the opportunity to respond to spontaneous questions. A respondent would receive a question from the Topics Master, then express thoughts in a clear and concise manner for one to two minutes. The respondent will receive constructive feedback from the Table Topics Evaluator afterward, helping to refine his impromptu speaking skills.

This article is contributed by Toastmasters International District 51. Toastmasters International, a nonprofit educational organisation, is dedicated to building public speaking and leadership skills. Through a worldwide network of clubs that meet both online and in person, members practice preparing and delivering speeches, responding to impromptu questions, and giving and receiving constructive feedback in a supportive environment.