Five things to consider when picking loudspeakers for your home

WHEN setting up a stereo or home theatre system, the one item that will require some extra attention is the loudspeaker given its prominence aesthetically as well as it being the final component in the sound delivery chain.

Newbies to this hobby will want to avoid falling into the trap of buying based solely on review or star ratings or just plunking for the most expensive set their budget will allow.

Here are a few pertinent pointers when shopping for the ideal loudspeakers.

$!Picking the right loudspeakers will depend on the buyer’s listening habits. – ALL PICS FROM FACEBOOK @BOWERS&WILKIN – B&W CYPRUS

Room dimensions

Where will these speakers be placed? The size of the room is of utmost importance as are the furnishing within that space as it can affect the sonic quality of the loudspeakers.

A small room may benefit from book shelf units that will fit on a mantle piece or can even be wall-mounted to avoid occupying limited square footage. Conversely, a bigger room will allow larger floorstanders to give the music depth and the desired ‘ooomph’ as the units can be placed further apart to create a better sound stage.

Also remember, a room with lots of glass windows or surfaces, such as tables and cabinets, will adversely affect the sound of large floorstanders as the sound waves reverberate over them. Similarly, a room packed with lush carpets, wall rugs and large sofas can ‘soften’ the sound as these will absorb sound waves.

$!A customised loudspeaker can look like an art installation.

Purpose of sound system

This perhaps is the main determining factor. What will the system be used for? Is it to just provide background music? If yes, then a pair of book shelf units should do the trick.

If the loudspaekers are for a home theatre system, then a multiple speaker set up with requisiste subwoofers are in order. Subwoofers are bass boxes designed primarily to boost the lower end of the sonic signal and are essential in recreating that ‘cinema-type’ experience with its chest-flattening dynamics. Hence, there must be necessary space to accomodate these components as subwoofers are fairly cumbersome boxes while home theatre set ups can now include up to 12 speakers.

If the primary purpose of the audio system is for the complete immersion in music, a dedicated pair in a stereo configuration should suffice. Type of tunes will come into play as an EDM fan will probably require large floorstanders to satisfactorily deliver the bass heavy tracks. A fan of soprano opera vocalists will want detail and clarity rather than monster low end, meaning that smaller book shelf or stand-mounted units are viable options.

If the loudspeakers are primarily for gaming then small space-saving desktop units are ideal.

$!The amount of available square footage is vital in determining the type of loudspeakers that are suitable.


While the most important thing is the way they sound, loudspeakers that are visually appealing also add to the listening experience. This is especially pronounced when a pair of monolith floorstanders finished in premium wood such as mahogany take centre stage of the listening room.

If there is a bottomless budget for this, the loudspeaker can even become a custom-made art installation such as the B&W Nautilus with custom-finishes.

Smaller bookshelf units can also add to the charm of a room, especially when they are not housed in typical rectangular boxes. There are infinitely more choice in this aspect if the speakers are desktop units used primarily for gaming.

$!Loudspeakers can be aesthetically pleasing items that enhance a living space.

Manufacturer recommendations

It is always best to do the required legwork and read up on manufacturer recommendations for their products. Most makers will specify the best positioning for optimal performance of the loudspeakers.

Hence, if a manufacturer states its product works best when placed a certain number of feet away from the wall, it is best to follow suit. If the room does not allow for such placement then look for a suitable alternative that works within the dimensions of the music room.

Note also the need for cabling or if the speakers feature bluetooth connectivity. The former is an additional expense and many long snaking wires are unsightly. The latter though will result in some loss in signal quality.

Keeping to budget

Never ever forget with high fidelity, the sky is the limit. The hobby can become a black hole for finances, sucking dry every last drop of hard earned cash if one is not careful. Always work with a budget in mind and stick to it as closely as possible. Allow some leeway for future-proofing the system so it can serve the listeners for an extended period without the need for constant upgrades. As with all things hi-fi, it is always best to audition. Window shopping is half the fun and many retailers are happy to accommodate prolonged listening sessions with multiple loudspeakers allowing for back-to-back comparisons. Bring along a trusted pair of ears for a second opinion. It would be great if these included other dwellers in the home who will also be using the loudspeakers.

Happy listening!