Transformers franchise finds new life in animated form

THIS is the film that takes the Transformers franchise in a bold new direction and the result is nothing short of spectacular. Transformers One, directed by Josh Cooley, is a fully CG-animated feature that is not only pleasing to the eyes but also a surprisingly deep exploration of the origins of two of the most iconic characters in pop culture: Optimus Prime and Megatron.

What makes Transformers One truly shine is its ability to take familiar characters and breathe new life into them, crafting an origin story that is as emotionally resonant as it is action-packed.

New look at old rivalry

At the heart of Transformers One is the relationship between Orion Pax, who will eventually become Optimus Prime (voiced by Chris Hemsworth) and D-16, the future Megatron (voiced by Brian Tyree Henry).

These characters, who are typically seen as mortal enemies are presented in a new light as brothers-in-arms, bonded by a shared vision for the future of their home planet, Cybertron. The film delves into their backstory, showing how their friendship deteriorates into the bitter rivalry that fans of the franchise know all too well.

This exploration of their relationship is what sets Transformers One apart from other entries in the series. The film takes its time to build the bond between Orion and D-16, making their eventual falling out all the more tragic and impactful.

Hemsworth and Henry deliver standout performances, infusing their characters with depth and complexity that make their arcs compelling and believable. The voice acting across the board is exceptional, with Scarlett Johansson as Elita, Keegan-Michael Key as B-127 and Steve Buscemi as Starscream, all bringing their A-game to the table.

$!Transformers One excels in quieter moments, using animation to convey subtle emotions and character interactions.

Visually striking masterpiece

From a visual standpoint, Transformers One is nothing short of breathtaking. The film’s animation is crisp, vibrant and full of detail, bringing the metallic world of Cybertron to life in a way that has never been seen before.

The filmmakers have put a lot of thought into the design of Cybertron, making it feel like a living, breathing world rather than just a backdrop for the action. The use of colour, lighting and texture in the film’s animation is truly impressive and it helps to immerse the audience in the story.

The action sequences are another highlight of the film, with the animation allowing for dynamic, fast-paced battles that are both thrilling and easy to follow. The transformation sequences, a staple of the franchise, are particularly well done, showcasing the filmmakers’ creativity and technical prowess.

But it is not just the action that impresses, Transformers One also excels in quieter moments, using animation to convey subtle emotions and character interactions that add depth to the story.

$!The film explores themes of loyalty, power and the consequences of ambition.

Emotional resonance

While Transformers One is undoubtedly an action film, it is also a surprisingly emotional one. The story of Orion and D-16’s friendship and its eventual dissolution is handled with care and nuance, making it more than just a simple tale of good versus evil.

The film explores themes of loyalty, power and the consequences of ambition, all of which are woven into the narrative.

The film does an excellent job of portraying the character arcs of both Orion and D-16. Orion’s journey from an idealistic worker to the noble leader of the Autobots is compelling and believable, as is D-16’s transformation into the ruthless Megatron.

The film does not shy away from showing the darker sides of both characters, making their eventual conflict feel all the more inevitable. What is truly surprising is how Transformers One manages to make the audience empathise with both characters, even as they move toward opposing sides.

The supporting characters are also given their moments to shine, with Elita, B-127 and Starscream all playing important roles in the story.

Laurence Fishburne’s portrayal of Alpha Trion, the wise mentor figure, adds gravitas to the film, while Jon Hamm’s Sentinel Prime brings a sense of authority and presence. The ensemble cast works together beautifully, creating a rich group of characters that enhance the main plot.

One of the most remarkable things about Transformers One is how it manages to subvert expectations. Fans of the franchise might come into the film expecting another standard action-packed Transformers movie but what they get is something much deeper and more thoughtful.

The film takes the time to build its world and characters, resulting in a story that is both engaging and emotionally resonant. For those who may have dismissed the Transformers franchise as mere blockbuster fare, Transformers One is a film that will make them reconsider.

The movie’s exploration of its characters’ origins, the consequences of their actions and the complex dynamics between them elevate it above typical animated fare. It is a film that asks its audience to open their minds and be surprised by what they find.

$!Transformers One is showing in cinemas.

Broad appeal

Transformers One is a film that appeals to both long-time fans of the franchise and newcomers. For fans, the movie offers a fresh perspective on beloved characters, deepening their understanding of the Transformers universe.

For newcomers, the film serves as an excellent entry point, with its self-contained story and relatable themes.

The film’s ability to balance action, emotion and character development makes it a standout in the Transformers series. It is a movie that can be enjoyed on multiple levels, whether someone is there for the stunning visuals, the exciting action or the compelling story.

Transformers One proves that the franchise still has plenty of life left in it and that it can continue to surprise and delight audiences in new and unexpected ways.

Transformers One is showing in cinemas.

DIRECTOR: Josh Cooley

CAST: Chris Hemsworth, Brian Tyree Henry, Scarlett Johansson, Keegan-Michael Key

E-VALUE: 7/10

PLOT: 7/10

ACTING: 7/10