There are a number of simple things that anyone can do to lift their spirits

MOOD plays an important role in determining your quality of life. For example, feelings of stress and other negative emotions are entirely natural.

However, problems may arise when those emotions begin to affect your perception of the world, influence your relationships, and affect your physical and mental health.

If you find yourself in a bad mood, it’s important to have a go-to strategy to put yourself in a better headspace. Be kind to yourself by practicing self-care.

You may already be doing some of these things, and you certainly don’t need to be doing them all. Just try the ones that feel most comfortable, or that are easiest for you:

Go outside. The great outdoors is nature’s greatest remedy. A quick walk around the neighbourhood might be all you need. Eating breakfast and reading outside are other relaxing ways to get some fresh air. Even if you’re working from home or practicing self-quarantine, you should at least go out into the yard of your house or onto your balcony.

Get moving. When it comes to mood boosters, you can’t go wrong with physical activity. It’ll help your brain make more endorphins, the feel-good chemicals that improve mood. And since exercise also encourages oxygen circulation, your brain function will flourish and help you concentrate better.

Do yoga. While most exercise helps you work up a sweat, do not discount the benefits of a relaxing yoga session. Even a few simple stretching positions can help you stay focused and relaxed, and a light and easy practice, even for a few minutes a day, will work wonders. Make sure the room is free of distractions and phone calls before you begin.

Listen to music. Studies show that listening to music can leave you feeling happier, particularly when you are actively trying to improve your mood. Upbeat, fast tempos can energise you, while relaxing music can soothe you when you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

Drink coffee. It may sound simple, but a cup of coffee or iced tea has the power to leave you in a much better mood. Not only will your mood improve, but the caffeine can help fight headaches, relieve sinus pressure and give you some much-needed energy to make it through the rest of the day.

Eat a healthy snack. Certain foods have been scientifically proven to improve your mood, including dark chocolate, almonds, berry fruit and leafy greens. Snacking on these can provide you with a burst of nutrients and antioxidants that will give you an energy boost that will help you power through the day.

Call a friend. If you’re having a bad day or moment, it doesn’t hurt to phone up a friend. You don’t even have to discuss what’s bothering you if your mood is severely affected in the moment. Instead, you can talk about something completely unrelated to help you get your mind off it and cool down. Friends are our support systems and it’s important to lean on them when we need help.

Besides the methods listen here, you should also think about what personally makes you happy. It doesn’t matter how silly or simple it seems! If it makes you feel good, keep it on your list of things to do when you’re feeling low.