TO many Gen Alphas, the notion of buying, owning and listening to tunes on compact discs seem as archaic as spinning shellac discs on a gramophone. However, there are a plethora of compelling reasons to invest in those shiny silver discs once again.


Unlike vinyl releases, most, if not all, recording artistes put out their work on CD. It is readily and abundantly available. It may not be as convenient as a click on a streaming app but most CD releases can be found online, if not at a physical store. The K-pop boom has also fuelled the demand for
tangible media as many of the artistes in the genre release multiple versions of their EPs or albums on CD.

Superior audio quality

Streaming may be de rigueur these days but there is a huge compromise in sound performance. There is a
definite jump in audio quality when listening to uncompressed files on CD. Even with major streaming platforms such as Tidal and Apple Music
promising “Hi-Fi” quality, most
listeners will not have the equipment to properly squeeze every last drop of audiophile fun from them. CDs though allow listeners to enjoy
superior music delivery even with
relatively modest set ups.

Robust and long-lasting

Ok, the myth that came with the advent of CDs that they will never deteriorate has well and truly busted. They are susceptible to mold, spotting and scratched over time. However compared with the other physical option – vinyl, it does seem a lot more robust and will stand up to some rough handling, something which records will not. It is also definitely a step up from cassette tapes that
generally do not last a long time.

$!It is a good time to start a CD collection as prices are low, especially used items. – PEXELSPIC

Aesthetically pleasing

Just like a well-appointed book shelf, a carefully curated collection of CDs gives the space a sense of the person’s personality and identity. It is hugely personal and says volumes about that individual’s tastes and preferences. Given the size of the format, these can be stored neatly and need not take up a lot of space.

Cheap and cheerful

The great thing about the streaming revolution is that a lot of pre-loved CDs are available at bazaars, thrift stores and music emporiums at very decent prices. A quick trawl through the many vendors at the weekend bazaar at Petaling Jaya’s Amcorp Mall will show pre-loved CDs going for as low as
RM5 to a more median range of RM25–RM30 for popular titles. There is also the added thrill of finding that long sought after album snuggling hidden and almost forgotten in the corner of a bargain bin, just waiting to be taken to a loving home.

Collectibility factor

While CDs do not yet have vinyl’s hip cache, the time will surely come for the format to become fashionable again. While the bog-standard releases are relatively cheap, this cannot be said for the limited edition specimens. Box sets, Japanese editions with the unique Obi strips and rare “pressings” not only hold their value but are steadily climbing upwards. A good example would be Pink Floyd’s Immersion series of CD box sets, which cost RM350 on original release in 2011, but are now
commanding double that in the
secondary market.

Do not wait until prices start getting ridiculous. Invest in a CD collection (and a player) now to fill your home with quality music and no small amount of style.