EMERGING Malaysian pop singer Chloe Qisha has released her second single I Lied, I’m Sorry.

In the song, singer, songwriter Qisha demonstrates her versatility as a pop artiste, moving away from the ballad tone of her debut single VCR Home Video and creating a track exuding in vibrant, upbeat pop melodies.

Speaking about the new single, Qisha said: “I consider I Lied, I’m Sorry to be the song that set me on course. The start of the kind of music that’s never felt more like myself. It wasn’t until my co-producer Rob Milton and I wrote this that I truly knew what my ’sound’ was.

“Lyrically, the song is about the intensely awkward but passionate kind of love you have in your adolescence, when everything seems to be far more dramatic and the ‘Oh God, the world will end if I don’t kiss this person’ kind of feeling.”

Qisha is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist who taps into the alternative pop sound perfectly but with a unique twist.

The Malaysian-born and UK-based Chloe appears sophisticated, but under the chic exterior there is a provocative and restless soul. That dichotomy is reflected in Chloe’s music, which is perfect pop but with a dark, playful underbelly. However,Qisha’s songwriting sets her apart.

Having studied psychology at undergraduate level and communications at masters level, perhaps it is no surprise that Qisha has the ability to unpick the human condition with wisdom and dexterity.