STAYING in a house with strangers is definitely an unforgettable experience. If you’re lucky, you might develop a good friendship with your housemates.

However if you’ve had irresponsible housemates. you might then relate to this very frustrated Malaysian woman.

User took to her TikTok account to vent about her frustrations with her housemate that constantly steals her food. She shared four pictures with the caption on the first picture, “POV: Your housemate likes to steal”.

The first photograph was a container of red chilli to which captioned, “How heartbreaking when you want to cook but all that’s left is this when it was topped up just recently”.

The user stuck a green sticky note near the container, “Want to take more chilli? Just take everything till you get diarrhoea.”

$!Credit: TikTok

In the next picture, the user explains that she wanted to check how many pieces of paratha she had left as she just ate one. Turns out, there were only three left. When she checked the airfryer, she discovered her food-stealing housemate even add the nerve to add peanut butter to the stolen paratha.

Frustrated, she stuck a note on the paratha container, “Want to eat more roti canai? Just take everything. After all, I bought it all for you”.

In the third picture, she noticed that even her nuggets and sausages were being eaten. Frustrated, she left another passive-aggressive note, “After you eat, if you get diarrhoea, don’t blame me”.

We hope her housemate learns her lesson. What would you do if you were in the user’s shoes?