THERE are several reasons to adore pets; they make excellent friends, are loyal, and may even help us relax. Many aspects must be considered before bringing home a new pet. Owning a pet is a significant investment of time, money and effort, therefore you should arm yourself with the required knowledge before embarking on your pet parent adventure! Here are six things to think about before obtaining a pet.


Before deciding to bring one into your house, figure out how much it will cost to obtain the pet and care for it. Certain pets are more expensive to care for than others; for example, dogs and cats require at the very least food and medical treatment, which may pile up and be pricey. If you believe you can afford the recurring costs but not the initial cost of the pet you want, consider adopting from a shelter or rescue group or from a friend who is giving their pets away rather than a pet store.


Aside from the monetary expense, you will also have to devote time to raising your pet. Dogs will need to go outside at least twice a day to urinate and defecate. If you acquire a high-energy breed or a puppy, you will be taking long walks or making visits to a local dog park, which can take you an hour or two each time. Pets that don’t need as much care as a dog are available for people with limited time. When it comes to maintenance and care, cats, lizards, and fish all take less time.


It’s also crucial to think about how a new pet would fit into your present lifestyle. Do you, for example, work long hours? You must consider how a new pet can interfere with your existing situation. You should also consider how your family will react to your decision. While you are the owner, your pet will have an affect on others around you. For example, it is critical to determine whether anyone in your household is allergic to fur. It’s also a good idea to measure their interest to have a pet around the house. It is important to remember that not everyone feels at ease with pets. If you live in a rented home, you must determine if your landlord accepts pets.

$!Find yourself a trusted veterinarian before getting a pet. – 123RF


Pets, no matter how tamed they are, still have a lot to learn about cleanliness and hygiene. They may track muck into the house, basically damaging your tiles and rugs, bring bugs into the house like as ticks and fleas, urinate and poop on your bed, and so on. Dogs and cats naturally lose their fur, which can become stuck in furniture, clothing, and other items. To minimise buildup inside, think about investing in good quality pet cleaning tools if you are considering a pet.

Understand the commitment

Certain pets demand more space and care than others. If you don’t have enough indoor or even outdoor room for a pet, or if you can’t be home during the day to care for him, you might want to choose a pet that requires less attention and space.

Evaluating the pros and cons

Once you have evaluated the aforementioned factors, it’s time to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of acquiring a pet. We return to the original topic of why you want a pet the first place. Pets, particularly dogs and cats, help alleviate loneliness while also improving physical and mental health. Pets, as lovely as they are, are not without their challenges. Getting a pet entails embracing the regular problems that pet owners experience. Pets may be disruptive because they scratch, lick, chew, or damage items, they can be noisy and wake you up at night, and they can be a distraction at times.

Don’t worry if you’re not willing to commit but still love animals! There are plenty additional ways to get engaged with pets. You may help out at a pet shelter, become a dog walker, or just hang out with your friends’ pets.

Give your pet the best care at any vet clinic in Malaysia. Pet insurance can pay up to RM8,000 for your vet bills claims.

Click on the link to find out more.