SAPPED of energy and fed-up, Michelle, 48, felt like crawling into a cave to hibernate for the next 10 years. All this while, Michelle has been managing the family on her own as her husband’s job requires him to travel often. It has been difficult raising three teenagers but she is grateful to have her mother help out. In the midst of all these, Michelle was going through changes within herself as a woman too.

Michelle noticed her skin and complexion first of all – dry, tired-looking skin and a dull complexion, not what it was like before at all. Next was her periods which seem to be heavy and out of her regular cycle.

Unknown to Michelle, midlife (which usually occurs during the ages of 40 to 55 years) dictates the greatest degree of change in a woman’s life. Medically, this period is known as perimenopause.

For a period of 10 to 15 years before menopause, a woman is already on a journey of change involving various physical, physiological and psychological factors.

As estrogen affects more than 400 different functions in the body, it is no wonder that many women may start noticing changes emanating from different body systems.

Women cannot stop hormonal imbalance from happening throughout certain phases of her life. Nevertheless, she can care for herself better with a little help from mother nature. Phytonutrients (plant nutrients) such as organic genistein soy isoflavones have been found helpful to support a woman’s hormonal well-being.

Organic genistein soy isoflavones can be used during times of hormonal imbalances be it during premenstrual stress (PMS) , times of menstrual irregularities, perimenopause or menopause. As a phytoestrogen, organic genistein works differently from evening primrose oil (EPO). Although EPO has long been touted as a hormonal balancing product, EPO in fact possesses anti-inflammatory actions more suited for PMS.

Women with weight challenges would do well to opt for a non-oily supplement such as organic genistein to prevent the weight gain associated with EPO.

Michelle decided to start on organic genistein following the advice of one of her girlfriends. The pharmacist assured her that an organic and standardised form of soy isoflavones works best. After three months, Michelle felt like a new woman. She was sleeping better and waking up actually energised. Her complexion had also improved while her skin now feels softer and moisturised.

Michelle’s disposition had also somehow improved. More confident of herself as a woman, Michelle now feels better equipped to face the challenges life inevitably brings.

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