Q: I am fairly new to parenting. Are there times and situations when I should simply “chill out” and refrain from disciplining my child for misbehaving?
Focus on the Family Malaysia: Child discipline is ...
Q: As a newly married couple, we are working on organising our budget and setting realistic financial goals. However, we are unsure about how much we should be saving. What do you suggest?
Q: Our two daughters, ages 13 and seven, argue and bicker constantly. We have talked to them many times about the importance of being kind, loving and forgiving, and they always promise to do better but ...
Q: As soon as our daughter hit the “terrible twos”, she became difficult to deal with. I have heard this is fairly common. We know it is “just a stage” and we will get through it. However, for now, it ...
Q: My wife and I don’t argue often, but when we do, it feels like we are enemies. That bothers both of us. We are struggling to get past this. Do you have any advice?
Q: Our resolution this year was to improve communication, being a busy family. We have made progress with calls and WhatsApp messages but something still feels a miss. What do you recommend?
Q: I am a young dad who is struggling to be a good husband and father. Despite my efforts, my wife tells me I am not pulling my weight. I play with the children when I can, but she often expects me to ...
Q: I have been through some challenging experiences in life. For the most part, I’ve been able to set them aside and move on, but sometimes I still struggle with my emotions. Do you have any advice for ...
Q: I feel overlooked and unappreciated in my job, especially when surrounded by colleagues with more talent, skills or education who seem to receive all the attention. This is discouraging. How can I maintain ...
Q: I believe my family is generally healthy, despite having faced some challenges. However, we seem to have lost our sense of joy in daily life. What would you recommend?