BEING a teacher is no easy task. It requires a great deal of patience on the teacher’s part to understand the many students they teach on a daily basis.

Recently a Malaysian teacher took to X to share how his student had answered the school English exam with the “F” word.

Teacher @huzaidharis shared a photograph of what appears to be a section in an English exam which required the student to fill in the blanks with the correct simple past tense or past continuos tense form of the verbs.

In the first paragraph, the student writes “I do’ no” (I don’t know) in all four blanks, making absolutely no effort to attempt to answer.

However it gets worse in the second paragraph when the student appears to have written the ‘F word’ in all four blanks.

The post has since amassed almost 380,000 views and flooded with comments from equally shocked and outraged Malaysian netizens.

ALSO READ: Teacher shares her frustrations on her spoiled students who don’t bother to turn in their homework

Many shared how back then, students were afraid to even use curse words in front of teachers, let alone fill in the exam paper with curse words.

“Wow. Back then, we were scared to curse in front of teachers. Kids now even write it in their exam papers,” commented a shocked @sydtl_afkh.

Every “I do’no” and F word they write deserves a good ear twist. But nowadays, you can’t even touch other people’s kids. Let them turn into little devils, apparently. Ugh, so frustrating!” said @ohmymymy_lina.

“What grade is this paper for? This is terrible. Don’t know the answer? Just copy the word. But no, they had to go and curse instead. Kids these days are really messed up,” said @zaivaluera.

“You can already see the impact of banning student punishment. It didn’t even take long, just 10 years, and the effects are clear. Imagine what it’ll be like 50 years from now— this generation is doomed,” said @A2764524699389.