WE all have our dream car, but if our salary is limited or we have many commitments, it’s best to live within our means.

However, the temptation of a flashy vehicle can be hard to resist—something one man recently demonstrated when he set his sights on a 2021 Mercedes GLA despite earning only RM5,400.

Car salesman @recondmalaya_ took to Threads to share a screenshot of his conversation with a potential buyer.

In the exchange, the customer inquired about a 2021 Mercedes GLA, prompting @recondmalaya_ to ask whether his RM5,400 salary was his full income and whether he had a higher-earning guarantor.

The man then asked if his wife could act as his guarantor. When @recondmalaya_ requested her salary details, the man dismissed the question and said he’d find another salesperson instead.

ALSO READ: Salesman shares how Malaysian man earning RM3,000 wishes to buy a RM300,000 Mercedes

$!Credit: @recondmalaya_/Threads

In his post, @recondmalaya_ pointed out that the body price alone of the Mercedes GLA is RM260,000. He also offered some advice for both buyers and sales advisors:

“As a sales advisor, you shouldn’t just push for sales blindly. And as a customer, don’t let your desires get the best of you.

Your income is only RM5.4k, but you’re asking for a 2021 Mercedes GLA? Do you even know how much that costs? Just the body price alone is RM260k+!

Maybe if you started with an income of RM1,800 and suddenly jumped to RM5,400, it might feel like you can afford anything. But if someone like this meets a sales advisor who only cares about closing a deal, they’d be overjoyed!”

READ MORE: M’sian engineer earning RM3.5k regrets purchasing Honda

The post has since gone viral on Threads with netizens surprised by the man’s inquiry despite earning only RM5,400.

“Earning RM5,400 but wanting a GLA? And already married? With an installment of RM2,300 to RM2,500 that leaves only RM2,000—what can you even do with that? How are you supposed to support a family?” commented @nicholaslmc.

“Earning RM5,000, and I’m still thinking twice about getting an Alza because I’m afraid I can’t afford it. And here they are wanting a Mercedes?” questioned @mirulfariq.